This course aims to provide the students with the necessary skills and tools to carry out and present a research topic. It presents the jobs of researchers and university staff, in research institutions, labs and in R&D departments in companies, and how to apply for them. This course includes also the bibliographical study for the master or PhD thesis topic. • Ethical issues in research . Are all research topics ethical? • Benachmark examples of ethical and non ethical attitude in research Brainstorming and discussions •Plagiarism and auto-plaghiarism, How to detect and avoid it •Some bad and good reasons to publish papers • Impact factor and citation indexes • Setting goals and defining the objectives of the master or PhD thesis; • Bibliographical research and collecting information; • Written communication: reports, theses, journal & conference papers; • Oral communication: research presentations, attending conference & presenting a paper; • Presentation of the researcher positions, and university staff; • The research institutions, french, european international • How to apply for a faculty position in research institutions in Europe and worldwide; • Seminars will be organized to present the latest technological developments of advanced topics. This module is assessed via the bibliography report and defense based on a specific topic.